*ocean-wave-frames*: pointersource
ocean-corner: structuresource
ocean-map: basicsource
type: type
start-corner: vector
far-color: vector
ocean-spheres: ocean-spheres
ocean-colors: ocean-colors
ocean-mid-indices: ocean-mid-indices
ocean-trans-indices: ocean-trans-indices
ocean-near-indices: ocean-near-indices
ocean-mid-masks: ocean-mid-masks
ocean-mid-constants: structuresource
hmge-scale: vector
inv-hmge-scale: vector
hvdf-offset: vector
fog: vector
constants: vector
constants2: vector
drw-fan: gs-gif-tag
env-fan: gs-gif-tag
drw-adgif: gs-gif-tag
drw-texture: adgif-shader
drw-strip-0: gs-gif-tag
drw-strip-1: gs-gif-tag
env-adgif: gs-gif-tag
env-texture: adgif-shader
env-strip: gs-gif-tag
env-color: vector
index-table: vector4w
pos0: vector
pos1: vector
pos2: vector
pos3: vector
ocean-mid-upload2: structuresource
ocean-mid-work: structuresource
ocean-near-constants: structuresource
hmge-scale: vector
inv-hmge-scale: vector
hvdf-offset: vector
fog: vector
constants: vector
constants2: vector
constants3: vector
constants4: vector
drw-fan: gs-gif-tag
drw2-fan: gs-gif-tag
env-fan: gs-gif-tag
drw-adgif: gs-gif-tag
drw-texture: adgif-shader
drw-strip: gs-gif-tag
env-adgif: gs-gif-tag
env-texture: adgif-shader
env-strip: gs-gif-tag
env-color: vector
drw2-adgif: gs-gif-tag
drw2-tex0: qword
drw2-frame: qword
drw2-strip: gs-gif-tag
drw3-adgif: gs-gif-tag
drw3-frame: qword
index-table: vector4w
ocean-near-upload: structuresource
ocean-texture-constants: structuresource
ocean-texture-work: structuresource
ocean-trans-indices: basicsource
ocean-trans-strip-array: structuresource
data: ocean-trans-strip
ocean-vu0-work: structuresource
ocean-wave-frames: structuresource
frame: ocean-wave-data
ocean-wave-info: structuresource
frequency: float
amplitude: float
wave-speed: float
angle: float
kx: float
ky: float
w: float
flags: int32
ocean-work: basicsource
type: type
deltas: vector
map-min: vector
map-max: vector
interp: vector
corner-array: ocean-corner
corner-count: int32
temp-vecs: vector
mid-mask-ptrs: pointer
mid-camera-masks: uint64
trans-mask-ptrs: pointer
trans-camera-masks: ocean-trans-mask
trans-temp-masks: ocean-trans-mask
near-mask-indices: uint16
mid-minx: uint8
mid-maxx: uint8
mid-minz: uint8
mid-maxz: uint8
near-minx: uint8
near-maxx: uint8
near-minz: uint8
near-maxz: uint8
temp-minx: uint8
temp-maxx: uint8
temp-minz: uint8
temp-maxz: uint8
*ocean-facing*: intsource
*ocean-mid-off*: symbolsource
*ocean-near-off*: symbolsource
*ocean-off*: symbolsource
*ocean-verts*: inline-arraysource
debug-draw-ocean-tile(y: int, x: int, color0: rgba, color1: rgba, masks: int) => symbolsource
draw-ocean-mid(arg0: dma-buffer) => nonesource
Main function to draw the 'mid' ocean
The mid ocean is used to draw the non-transparent ocean parts.
There is a large 6x6 grid of tiles.
Tiles that are closer to the camera have an environment mapping effect applied.
draw-ocean-mid-seams(arg0: dma-buffer) => nonesource
ocean-mid-add-call(arg0: dma-buffer, arg1: int) => nonesource
ocean-mid-add-call-flush(arg0: dma-buffer, arg1: uint) => nonesource
ocean-mid-add-constants(arg0: dma-buffer) => nonesource
Generate DMA for loading ocean-mid constants to VU1 data memory.